Kazakh energy plan seen aimed at Kashagan
By Kadyr Toktogulov And Liam Moloney —Jeffrey Sparshott, Spencer Swartz and Benoît Faucon contributed to this article.
The Wall Street Journal Europe
17 Sep 2007
ALMATY, Kazakhstan—A proposed law that would allow the Kazakh government to annul naturalresources contracts appears aimed at pressuring Kashagan oil developers led by the Eni SpA amid tense negotiations, rather than as a broadbased threat to energy... read more...
By Kadyr Toktogulov And Liam Moloney —Jeffrey Sparshott, Spencer Swartz and Benoît Faucon contributed to this article.
The Wall Street Journal Europe
17 Sep 2007
ALMATY, Kazakhstan—A proposed law that would allow the Kazakh government to annul naturalresources contracts appears aimed at pressuring Kashagan oil developers led by the Eni SpA amid tense negotiations, rather than as a broadbased threat to energy... read more...